S m i t h w e l l | Plein Air Artist |
Artist StatementJ..Smithwell's work is largely plein air and is colorist impressionism. It has also been referred to as post-impressionist and expressionist ." I work with oil and acrylics on canvas. My work is landscape, often with people or a community presence apparent. I wish to create scenes that are sincere in their expression of the contemporary experience. My work is often very bright or contains vibrant elements. I find that this draws people into the work and to considering everyday scenes in a new light, in a way that is more successful than using a photo-realistic style. I am often told by clients that the works are emotionally uplifting and energizing to their spaces. I like to encourage people to see common things as strange, wild or unfamiliar; defamiliarizing what is known in order to know it differently or more deeply".
J SmithwellJ. Smithwell has won dozens of juried awards in Canada, and international shows. Their work is available at various seasonal shows and is also available from the website or by private appointments for viewings. Theri work can also be viewed at Framing Dames Gallery in Scarborough, Ontario. For my current shows and exhibiting galleries, click on Exhibititions and Events. |